Sunday, October 2, 2011

"Each day I travel miles down this river, in the gravel bars, always searching for the fossil, for the great Woolly Mammoth Tusk. In shallow water I traverse to this point where I photographed this Mammoth tusk as I first spotted it.  This is how to find a Woolly Mammoth Tusk in Arctic Alaska."
"Very 'shallow' and clear river, and even on a cloudy day a Mammoth Tusk is easily the river gravel, this particular 'Cow Tusk' Mammoth was in very excellent shape as far as the quality of the ivory...but at some point in it's history, it had been broken.  This is common for some tusks, as the tusk, when first exposed by erosion in the river bank, still remains partially frozen in the permafrost.  As 'Spring Breakup' the huge ice flows rushing downriver can intercept the tusk and 'snap' it off leaving part of the tusk remaining in the frozen wall of ice."

Friday, August 12, 2011

"I am mesmerized by the hours of walking in the surf, searching for a piece of walrus ivory, mammoth ivory, artifact or bone of some kind that is so common on some beaches, as this one has proven.  A while ago, I discovered a broken ivory harpoon point with a iron blade still in tact although severely rusted, then I discovered a leg bone of a Sandhill Crane in fossil condition, orange brown in color and in nice condition, a broken seal skull, a walrus tooth, and now a Killer Whale tooth, lost in the sand every time the waves washed over it, it then became buried again. Among the white quartz stones, the bubbles and the surf...I was fortunate to see it." 
"Resting peacefully in the sand, being polished in the surf, a 'Killer Whale' tooth, from a mature 'Bull' Orca has washed out from the waves in time for me to walk by and discover it"
"Another fine discovery of a beach combing venture, not bad even after so many hours searching for something, anything that might be neat to find.  This 'Orca' tooth is a nice addition to my collection as I continue on down the beach for something next!"
"Uncovered from the sand, and the beach ridge it had been deposited for approximately 1200 years, this 'Woolly Mammoth Ivory' 'Doll' has a history most interesting as it represents a figure of an 'old woman' with the suggestion of bearing no teeth as indicated."  "This example resides in the Taro Museum, on loan, Bali"